Services House Cleaning

Our House Cleaning service is the perfect solution for busy homeowners who want to maintain a clean, organized home without spending hours cleaning every day. Our team of experienced professionals will work diligently to clean every nook and cranny of your home, leaving it spotless and clutter-free.

One of the best decisions you can make for your home is to book a house cleaning service provided by MJA Lares Landscaping. Our company has been in the business of lawn care and landscaping for over 10+ years, so we know how to clean houses properly.

Our team of professionals are experts at what we do and take great pride in their work. We will work diligently to clean every nook and cranny of your home, so that it is spotless. Additionally, our team will also take care of your laundry and ironing needs, so you can relax and enjoy your free time.

We understand that not everyone has the time to clean their homes properly, which is why we offer our house cleaning services. We want to help you live a stress-free life, so you can focus on the important things in life. Contact us today to learn more about our house cleaning services or to book an appointment!

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Service Areas

Proudly Serving Chico & Surrounding Areas

Chico CA 50

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